An analytical study of Surah al-Kahf of the Qur’an that seeks to explain the reality of a mysterious European Jewish-Christian alliance that is waging unjust war on Islam and oppressing Muslims while pursuing a sinister global agenda on behalf of the Euro-Jewish State of Israel.

Khidr said to Moses, Surely you would not be able to show patience with me. Indeed, how can you show patience in respect of that which lies beyond your comprehension (since you can temporarily see with only one eye, and consequently can access only external empirical knowledge)?( Sūrah al-Kahf, 18:66-67)
Those like Dajjāl, who see with one eye, can never be patient enough to learn from those like Khidr, who see with two eyes, i.e., the external and the internal. Dajjal’s epistemological attack on mankind renders them internally blind and, hence, easily deceived by external appearance while remaining incapable of penetrating internal reality in all that pertains to his mysterious mission. They sometimes lose faith in Allah Most High and become profoundly misguided without being even conscious of such. Nearly always, however, they lack the capacity to understand either the movement of history or the role that Jerusalem and the Holy Land play in the End of History. The Quran declares of such people that they have a status akin to cattle.
Praise be to Allah Most High through Whose Kindness Surah al-Kahf and the Modern Age is now published. May He bless this humble work to reach Muslims in many parts of the world. May it assist them to grow closer to the Qur’an and to this Surah – especially every day of Jum’ah when the Surah is to be recited for protection from the Fitnah of Dajjal. May it refresh their memory of the meaning of the Surah and, more importantly, constantly deepen their understanding of the Surah. Amin!
As war on Islam intensifies and the time approaches when the imposter Euro-Jewish State of Israel makes its bid to become the ruling State in the world, and Dajjal the false Messiah would rule the world from Jerusalem and declare that he is the true Messiah, I fear that there would be many who would ban books on the Qur’an. I therefore pray most humbly, and ask my gentle readers to also kindly join in the prayer, that Allah Most High might protect books (such as this humble quartet of books on Surah al-Kahf) that employ the blessed Qur’an to expose those in the godless modern age who are waging unjust war on Islam and Muslims. Amin.
A mysterious Euro-world-order with a Jewish-Christian alliance wages war on Islam on behalf of the Euro-Jewish State of Israel. If there is any merit at all in this book it can, perhaps, be located in its role as a very humble pioneering work that might possibly inspire others, more competent than this writer, to a more comprehensive effort in using this Surah of the Qur’an to explain that world today.
The first volume of four, containing ‘Text Translation and Modern Commentary of Sarah al-Kahf’, made its appearance at the same time as this main work on the subject entitled ‘Surah al-Kahf and the Modern Age’, and was meant to function as a companion volume to this main work. I pray that I might be able to write additional volumes on this subject, Insha Allah, in order to attempt a more comprehensive modern interpretation of the Ahadith and Qur’anic verses dealing (directly and indirectly) with the critically important topics of Dajjal the false Messiah or Anti-Christ, and of Gog and Magog.
The writing of the first two books on Surah al-Kahf was kindly sponsored in the names of Rabia Aboobakar Hussein Jakhura and Aboobakar Hussein Jakhura of Malawi in Africa, Abdul Majid Kader Sultan and Fatimah Abdullah of Malaysia, and Hajjah Haniffa Bte Omar Khan Sourattee and Hajjah Mariam Bte Fakir Mohammed of Singapore.
May Allah Most Kind bless them all. Amin!
Imran N. Hosein
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
June 2007
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