Madinah 1343 (h): out of Dajjāl’s frying-pan and into Dajjāl’s Saudi-Wahhābi fire In just another 10 years from now in the month of Rabīal-Thāni 1443 the world of Islam will mark the 100th anniversary of the transfer of power in Makkah from the Ottoman Turks to the Arab Sultān ‘Abd al-‘Azīz Ibn Saūd. Troops loyal to the Sultan of Najd …

When would the Muslims make and alliance with Rum, Is Rum the Rome in Italy?

Question: When Israel Wages Her Big Wars Would That Be The Time When Muslim Will Make An Alliance With Rum? Is This Rome, Italy? “Nabi Muhammad (SA) has prophesised that ‘You will make an alliance with Rum’. Indeed there is a… Surah of the Qur’an which is entitled Surah Ar-Rum. And in that Surah, in the first Ayah, Allah speaks …

Door of Tauba Will Be Closed When The Sun Rises From The West

Question: it is mentioned in a Hadith When The Sun Rises From The West, The Door of Tauba Will No Longer Be Open. How Would You Interpret This Hadith Having Stated That The Sun Has Already Risen from The West? “…I’m getting lots of emails, from people who are presenting so much sophisticated argument concerning Polar Magnetism and providing evidence …

Please explain how the journey of Tamim Al-Dari was a mere vision.

Let me first clarify that unless convinced of its validity, no one should accept my opinion on this subject. This is the standard I set for myself, and it is the standard that I commend to others. 1. The Hadith in Sahih Muslim narrated by Fatima bint Qais on the subject of Tamim al-Dari indicated that he and is companions …

The Second Sinking

WILL THE SECOND SINKING OF THE EARTH SOON OCCUR? Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) prophesied that ten major Signs of the Last Day would occur as follows: 1. Dajjal, the false Messiah or Anti-Christ, 2. Gog and Magog, 3. Smoke, 4. The beast of the earth or land (most likely the holy land), 5. That the sun would rise …

Sun Rising from the West and the doors of Tauba being closed.

Signs of Allah in the Last Age can deliver multiple meanings and find multiple applications.  I have suggested one  interpretation concerning the Sign of the sun rising from the west. I believe, in that context, that the collective door to Tauba for the Jews is now closed. Kindly remember that most Jews believe in collective salvation.

Hadith states Dajjal is in the East

Actually the Hadith states that the Prophet (sallalhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) pointed 20 times to the East. East and West are directions which belong to our world of space and time. When the blessed Prophet pointed to the East he was referring to East in our world of space and time. When Dajjal’s day is like our day he will …