Ramadan 2020: Session 1

This Was Recorded On Friday 24th April 2020 Ramadan Started On Saturday 25th April 2020 In Trinidad If you want to comment please put your comment down bellow with politely and respectfully. Thank You.


سَنَفْرُغُ لَكُمْ أَيُّهَا الثَّقَلَانِ (Qur’ān, al-Rahmān, 55:31) We shall one day take you to task, O you sin-laden two! (In the above verse the Qur’ān has addressed both a Western world that is loaded with sin, as well as the Shayatīn (plural of Shaitān/ Satan who are evil Jinn/) who have supported and strengthened the West during their last 500 years of arrogant blood-stained rule over the world, …


US air strikes against ISIS in Syria, which seem to have been coordinated with the Ukraine ceasefire, are a smoke-screen hiding an effort to get even with Russia over a NATO black-eye received in Ukraine. If the US can get away with such air strikes – and that appears very likely – then the strikes will escalate until NATO takes on …

Is the Sunni Caliphate really restored in Iraq?

A lamp provides light which allows us to see. We can walk in a particular direction, for example, when we have a light with which to see. Without the lamp, and without the light which it provides, we live in darkness, and hence, cannot see. Most of mankind are today living in darkness and hence, although they have eyes, they …

Madinah returns to the centre stage in Akhir al Zamaan

Madinah 1343(H): Out Of Dajjal’s Ottoman Frying Pan and into Dajjal’s Saudi­-Wahhabi Fire   In just another 10 years from now in the month of Rabi al­Thani 1443 the world of Islam will mark the 100th anniversary of the transfer of power in Makkah from the Ottoman Turks to the Arab Sultan ‘Abd al­’Aziz Ibn Saud. Troops loyal to the Sultan of …