Второе обращение к Крымским татарам

[Russian translation of Second Message to Tatar Muslims in Crimea – see below for text in English.]

Ассаляму алейкум!

Я приветствую вас, мои крымско-татарские братья и сестры, в один из самых критических моментов вашей печальной и мучительной истории, чтобы предложить вам мой добрый совет, основанный на предписаниях Священного Корана.

Если вы ищете руководство в других источниках, помимо Священного Корана, и если на затруднительную ситуацию в Крыму вы отвечаете действиями, неразрешенными Всевышним Аллахом, то вам предстоит заплатить высокую цену за подобную ошибку. В этом случае, вам не стоит рассчитывать на поддержку ваших братьев и сестер в исламе в разных частях света.


Assalaamu ‘alaikum!

I greet my Tatar Muslim brothers and sisters in Crimea at this most critical moment in their sad and painful history, to offer to them a kind word of advice that is based on the guidance located in the blessed Qur’an.

If you choose to seek guidance from sources other than the blessed Qur’an, and if you respond to your present predicament in Crimea with policies other than those permitted by Allah Most High, you will pay a terrible price for your mistake. In addition, you must not expect support from your Muslim brothers and sisters in other parts of the world.


Assalaamu ‘alaikum to you all, my Tatar brothers and sisters in Islam there in Crimea! I write to you to advise you that your most critical moment in history has arrived. The Bolshevic revolution of 1917, which delivered communism and the ruthless Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), was planned and executed by Russian Zionist Jews who belonged to Gog …

Announcement Re: Books

ANNOUNCEMENT The following books are not in stock in Malaysia, but we still have copies left in our stock in Trinidad: 1.     The Religion of Abraham and the State of Israel – A View from the Qur’an; 2.     The Importance of the Prohibition of Riba in Islam; 3.     The Prohibition of Riba in the Qur’an and Sunnah; 4.     Dreams in …

A Message for my students in France

Large numbers of Muslims in France, as in the rest of the world (including the world of Islam), participate in electoral politics of the modern secular State without any consciousness of the religious implications of such conduct.

While it is quite clear that Muslims must be involved in politics in order to respond, for example, to oppression in the world today, few Muslims are conscious of the fact that the modern secular State was created and fashioned by Dajjāl on the foundations of Shirk (i.e., blasphemy), and that when they vote in elections of the modern secular State they become a party to that Shirk.

Announcement 03.11.2013

Assalaamu ‘alaikum! I delivered a brief lecture tonight here in San Fernando in Trinidad, on the exciting topic of THE MUSLIM WORLD A HUNDRED YEARS AGO. The lecture was well -received by the audience. However, unfortunately so, arrangements could not be made for the lecture to be recorded. I hope that tomorrow night’s lecture will be recorded Insha Allah, and …


Assalaamu ‘Alaikum, 1. I am so happy to announce that translation to French of Volume One of QURANIC FOUNDATIONS AND STRUCTURE OF MUSLIM SOCIETY has now been completed, and translation (to French) of Volume Two of the book is about to commence! Alhamdu lillah! 2. Translations to Arabic and Urdu of the same Volume One are still proceeding and not …


Assalaamu ‘alaikum! I am back in my native island of Trinidad in the Caribbean Sea. The US authorities refused permission for me to over-fly US air space on my Aeroflot flight from Havana (in Cuba) to Moscow. Aeroflot’s Russian and Cuban representatives were quite apologetic and were also very helpful to me, helping me to get a prompt return flight …