I am unsure if I should divorce my husband/wife

The Beloved Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, taught us a method of consulting Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala in order to make major decisions. This is called Istikharah. The du’a of Istikharah can be found in many books of the du’as of Rasulullaah sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. However before doing Istikharah one should be firm that he/she will strive to act …

What is the future of Pakistan?

So long as the present pro-American, and hence pro-Israeli, political and military leaders continue to control power in Pakistan, they will ensure the eventual destruction of Pakistan. It is only a matter of time. Indeed there is not much time left. Allah will not intervene to change the condition of a people until they the people take the initiative to …

I would like to enrol in a Darul Ulum in USA/UK

Dajjal has set a trap and 999 out of every 1000 will be caught in that trap with no escape. My advice to you is to get out of heaven (USA) while still there is time to do so, and relocate amongst the miserably poor masses of Muslims in hell (the Muslim world).

What is the process for moving into a Muslim Village?

Those wishing to migrate to a Muslim Village should choose one within the Muslim world in which they can legally reside easiest of all. Hence a Pakistani should not seek to live in a village in Yemen and then seek guidance from me how to get a residence permit to reside in Yemen. I cannot assist with such matters.   …