What is our responsibility about our home land where we born and grew up?

The modern secular State (such as Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc.) is built on the foundations of Shirk and functions in a strategic role in Dajjal’s pursuit of universal rule over the whole world. Your nationality is that of Dar al-Islam which is about to be re-established. Your struggle should be for restoring Dar al-Islam.

Can muslims print paper to use as fulus/small change?

Money in Islam (i.e., the Qur’an and Sunnah) must have intrinsic value. Whoever uses paper as money and in the process assigns a fictitious value (regardless of how small the value assigned) to the piece of paper, is attempting to create wealth out of nothing. That is both fraudulent and constitutes Shirk.

Please explain how the journey of Tamim Al-Dari was a mere vision.

Let me first clarify that unless convinced of its validity, no one should accept my opinion on this subject. This is the standard I set for myself, and it is the standard that I commend to others. 1. The Hadith in Sahih Muslim narrated by Fatima bint Qais on the subject of Tamim al-Dari indicated that he and is companions …

I bought a home on mortgage from the bank for business purposes. What should I do?

The simple facts regarding taking loans based on interest are: i) It is prohibited. It is one of the two things that Allah has declared war against; ii) The issue of whether one buys a home or does business is irrelevant: loans for any reason which has interest in it is prohibited; iii) From amongst the prohibitions, taking and giving …

Is Ajinomoto halal?

“Aginomoto” or “Ajinomoto” is actually the brand name of a Japanese company that primarily produces monosodium glutamate (MSG). In summary, Ajinomoto, in 2001, had a legal ban in Indonesia because it was found that the Indonesian plant was using a porcine-based (pork-based) extract to culture enzymes used to produce its MSG. To my understanding and research, the situation only affected …

I work in a bank. Should I quit my job?

There is no doubt that Riba is amongst the most abhorrent of systems and action in the Sight of Allah. Earning from it and engaging in it is simply unacceptable for a Muslim. As such anyone working in a bank really should make every effort to find a different job. This does not mean the person should put themselves in …

Is photography prohibited in Islam?

Whilst there is a difference of opinion on the matter of photography, the dominant opinion of the modern Scholars of High Knowledge is that photography is permissible as long as they are of benefit and not for any harmful or prohibited purposes, and that photographs of humans and animals not be displayed. As such, photographs kept in an album, drawer, …

Is it advisable to follow sunnah acts if doing so displeases my parents?

The first thing to understand is that every action under Shari’ah is categorised under what is generally termed The Five Rulings, which are: – Obligatory – Recommended – Merely Permissible – Disliked – Prohibited These five categories also establish principles of priority for our actions, and are based on the classifications derived from the Qur’an and Sunnah. The specific kinds …

Do I need to know Arabic to answer the questions in the grave?

Allah knows that everyone will not be able to speak Arabic. As a matter of fact He sent Messengers to teach the people in their language, so that they will be asked the questions in their language. Similarly, with all others, they will be asked and will answer in the language they know.