What was the age of Aisha when she was married? Please comment on her age?

There was no Nikah or marriage ceremony performed between the blessed Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) and Aisha (radiallahu ‘anha) here on earth. Allah Himself married them. This means that Allah ordained that she be his wife. He could have done that even before she was born. Would you any one else have a problem with Him ordaining that someone …

Why Do You No Longer Visit UK, USA, Canada, Austrailia, India, Pakistan, Singapore?

“In these countries you have governments which have sent their armed forces to Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries. And these armed forces are waging unjust war… War with no law of ethics…. War in which you kill women, and kill children, destroy homes… and you don’t care at all about it. You call that collateral damage. Islam has a higher …

According To A Hadith Will a Muslim Army Conquer Hind (India) in The End Times?

“…There is a tendency to use the word ‘Ghazwa’ for a war which will take place in Akhir Az-zaman against Hind. Hind is that entire area which today comprises India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. And there are Hadith… I am not in a position to assess the authenticity of these ahadith, that a Muslim army will conquer Hind. A Muslim army fighting …

What is Your Problem With Harun Yahya?

“I want to direct attention to one book of his entitled ‘Imam Al-Mahdi & The End Times’. And when I read that book I was profoundly disturbed. Because he expressed views in that book which appears to me views that could also come from the Israeli Mossad. When Isa (A) returns, the Qur’an tells us the Jews & Christians (The …

What is your opinion on the sectarian divisions among the Muslim Ummah?

“The first step in responding to that is that, you and I must stay away from everything related to sectarian movement. Do not be a member of any sectarian movement. It is only when you stand outside of the sectarian divide, only then you have credentials to address it. After you have declared that, I am not this and I …

How Can I Become Your Student?

“…You want to be my student; this is what you have to do. You have to take a decision; I’m devoting this life that Allah has given to me. So others will work and buy their Mercedez Benz motor car, and they are going to have lovely homes… and you will not have that. You will have a little house, …

What is The Khilafah?

“What is The Khilafah? Khilafah is state and government in Islam. What is Islam? The definition of Islam is submission to Allah. What is submission to Allah? Submission to Allah is; submission to Allah as Al Malik. In some translations in English, you will find meaning of Malik is King, but in regards to political terminology, meaning of Al Malik …


There are some Muslims who, impressed by the views of distinguished scholars such as Ibn Khaldun and Dr Muhammad Iqbal, have rejected belief in the advent of Imām al-Mahdi. Some of them even go on to dismiss our preoccupation with this subject with disdain and with spurious comments. They should be warned that it is not only false but also …

What is Salatul Istikhara and how do I perform it?

The Beloved Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, taught us a method of consulting Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala in order to make major decisions. This is called Istikharah. The du’a of Istikharah can be found in many books of the du’as of Rasulullaah sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. However before doing Istikharah one should be firm that he/she will strive to act …


Prophet Muhammad prophesied the advent of an Imām who would emerge by Divine decree to lead the world of Islam at that time when the true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon them all), was about to return.  The Prophet declared of that end-time Imām that he would arise from within …