Can Muslims Vote in Elections of the Modern Secular State?

What is the legitimacy of the modern secular state when judged according to the religion of Islam? Is it Halal (permissible) or Haram (prohibited) for Muslims to vote in elections of the modern secular state? This essay attempts to answer those questions. A US-based Egyptian Islamic scholar declared in a widely circulated Fatwa (legal opinion) that it is Wajib (compulsory) …

Islam and Constitutional Democracy

Dr. Morgan Job has questioned our continuing failure, as Muslims, to establish constitutional democracy in the Muslim world (Conference on Constitutional Reform, November 28th 2004). But modern political democracy originated in modern secular western civilization, and required the adoption of political secularism as the basis for the establishment of polity and state. Political secularism, however, like all other applications of …

Constitutional Reform and a Plural Model of a State for a Tribally Diverse Society

“The old order changeth – yielding place to new – and God fulfills Himself in many ways . . .” Alfred Lord Tennyson, ‘Morte d’Arthur’ OPPORTUNITY Our view is that a fast-collapsing Trinidad and Tobago has a once-in-a-lifetime chance for an unjust and decadent old order to be changed into a new order based on truth, freedom and justice and, …

Boothill’s Tribal Democracy

He asked, “Are you a Muslim or a terrorist?” I was talking with a group of villagers, all Africans, while sitting under the tent erected outside a home in Boot Hill when a young Indian man joined us and posed that question to me. It could have been a deliberate and maliciously conceived act of grave provocation or, perhaps, it …

Neither Friends nor Allies

The Qur’an firmly prohibits Muslim friendship and alliance with a Jewish-Christian alliance. Yet around the world of Islam today most governments violate that divine prohibition. They, their supporters and followers, pay a price for such conduct. They lose their Islam and become, instead, part of the Euro-Jewish/Euro-Christian alliance that is waging war on Islam. It is the first such alliance …

One Ameer, One Jama’ah

Extracted from the Book – One Ameer, One Jama’ah by Imran N. Hosein (c) 1997 All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, the Compassionate, the Merciful. And may Peace and Blessings of Allah (SWT) be bestowed on His unlettered Prophet, Muhammad (SAW), who was sent by Almighty Allah (SWT) with Al-Huda (the Divine Guidance) and …


A strange ‘obsession’ with Islam explains the Euro-world order’s relentless war on Islam and the ‘biting’ questions that continue to be posed concerning the continuing failure to establish constitutional democracy in the Muslim world. We believe that an explanation of that strange ‘obsession’ is located in Islam’s view of the End of History, and, in particular, in the prophecies in …


Will Muslim society be secularized, and constitutional democracy finally established in the Muslim world? Or, will destiny witness the restoration of the Islamic model of a State (Khilafat)?

Before we attempt to answer that absolutely fascinating question which will eventually emerge at the very heart of political discourse in contemporary international affairs, let us briefly describe the Khilafat or the (Sunni) Islamic model of polity and State.  

It would surely surprise some of our readers to learn that Islam has never claimed to be a new religion. Rather it has consistently proclaimed that it is the original religion of Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, and Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all).