Volunteers would form three teams that would work to get all my books printed in English, as well as in Urdu, Hindi and Bengali, in all three countries. Volunteers who are Pakistanis, Indians or Bangladeshis, but resident abroad, can also join these teams, – just send me an email at inhosein@hotmail.com. I seek donations to print only the first 1000 sets of my books in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. After the first printing we will never again, Insha’ Allah, need donations to cover cost of printing. With the help of the teams of volunteers, the books will all be sold, and I will take only a very small percentage of sales as my royalty income, hence the proceeds from sales can be used to print more and more books. May Allah bless my plan with continued success – even when I am no more in this world. Ameen!
E-books have always been available for free download at: http://imranhosein.org/n/e-books.
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